Google has recently sent seven payloads equipped with tiny Androids into Earth’s outer atmosphere using weather balloons to test the outer limits of Nexus S. This gave Google Android team the opportunity to collect some data about the sensors in Nexus S – GPS, gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer.
Every payload had an APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System) transmitter attached to a GPS that was known to work at high altitudes, as well as batteries for power. The remainder of each payload was different for each balloon: some had digital cameras taking pictures and some had video cameras mounted at various angles.
These Nexus S phones were running a variety of apps such as Google Maps for Mobile 5.0, Google Sky Map and Google Latitude. The Google Nexus S is the first Android 2.3 smartphone.
Here is the footage of an Android at over 100,000 ft above the Earth’s surface
The payloads were ‘manned’ with small Android robots. The payloads reached high altitudes over 20 miles (over 30 km) high. GPS in Nexus S could function up to altitudes of about 60,000 ft. The phone could withstand harsh temperatures as low as -50°C. The maximum Speed of the payload was 139 mph. View some pictures taken by the Android in space.
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