Sunday, February 6, 2011

Which program is better suited and profitable for Hubpages?

Well, this is a tricky questiion. To say the truth, both eBay and Amazon affiliate programs make attractive payouts and serve as a wonderful source of income. However, you need to select the products that would best suit the content of your hub or website.

eBay primarily pays for new user signups. However, the drawback here is, lot of people around the world have already signed for an eBay account, hence it's becomes less likely to make substantial amount of visitors as new members

Hubpages allows users to display both eBay and Amazon ads on their hubs, by providing capsules for each of them. You can edit or add new products whenever you wish. If you display both eBay and Amazon ads on your hubpage, make sure not to display the exact product criteria on each affiliate capsule. For example, if your hubpage is about Health, try to display Health related books on amazon and Health supplements on eBay. If a user finds similar or related products in both brands, he may check out either one of them and ignore the other. This way, you can optmize your page resources and extract maximum revenue out of both the programs

To learn more about eBay affiliate program and to find out how to make money on your hubpage through eBay affiliate Ads, visit

To learn more about Amazon affiliate program and to find out how to make money on your hubpage through Amazon affiliate Ads, visit

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