Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Facebook Messages (new) – Email, Chat and Text

Facebook, the world’s largest social networking site, announced the roll out of an all-in-one messaging service that allows its members to communicate with people outside the social network. The new system will let users own “” addresses. It will let users send and receive instant and text messages in addition to standard email and Facebook notes. Facebook is rolling out the new Messages to everyone gradually. You may request an invitation.

With the New Messages, get all your messages together -- texts, chat, facebook messages and email together in one simple conversation. You can include email by activating your optional Facebook email address. With the new messages system, you can control who can send you messages through your privacy settings. Your full conversation history will be available, irrespective of whether you send email to text message or facebook message. You can see everything you have ever discussed with each friend as a single conversation. The messages from unknown senders and bulk email go into the Other folder. No need to have a subject lines or other formalities for simply sending a message to your friends.

According to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, more than 350 million of Facebook’s half-billion users now actively send and receive messages on facebook website. More than 4 billion messages get sent everyday through Facebook. He expects that, many new generation users will shift to an integrated, cross-platform mode of communications over the longer term, such as the new messaging service.

Its new product will automatically route messages from a person’s most frequently-contacted acquaintances into a main inbox, with messages from other contacts pooled in a separate inbox. Unlike traditional emails, all the messages between two people are threaded together into one long-running conversation, without having any significance to subject line.

Users will also be able to view Microsoft Office documents as attachments to their messages directly.

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