Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Best blogging WEBSITE scripts etc..

Best blogging scripts
Any web developer worth his weight in PHP code can tell you that there are tons of selections when it comes to finding a blogging script that is right for you. The next time you decide to start up the Web’s next great blog you might want to take some of these choices into consideration.

1. WordPress – In my opinion WordPress is the “kind of kings” when it comes to blogging or content management in general. All hail to the king!

2. Drupal – Drupal is a little more of a WordPress jacked up on steroids. Lots of goodies and better membership system in place too.

3. AJAXPress – A little buggy by looking at the demo but will become a better idea once it has had more time to get polished.

4. Wikiblog – This one tries to mix the blogging and wiki sides of things into an interesting mashup of content creation.

5. Textpattern – Flexable and open source blogging solution – much of the same WordPress look and feel. Only problem is not that many people are using it, so support might be hard to find.

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