Sunday, February 20, 2011

Most Popular Social Networking Sites


As of August 2010 Facebook is the number one social networking site that people use. It has tons of users and it is continuing to grow. Myspace used to be on top, but it no longer is. More people chat on facebook than myspace these days. Facebook allows you to add pictures,videos, and other various features. The thing facebook does not have though is that there is not a whole lot of customization. You can not have a background,have videos right on your page or anything of that nature. You can post comments on other peoples profiles,like/dislike things,update status, and almost everything that myspace does. Facebook is more for chatting than it is personalizing your profile. Its a little bit less like having your own website. Facebook is often featured in the news these days and is always talking about people finding each other on there. In some instances people meet each other and marry. It is very popular with news headlines these days.


Myspace is still extremely popular, but not quite on the same level as Facebook. A lot of people are now turning to Facebook more than Myspace. This site has more customization options then Facebook does though. You can have your own personal background and everything. A lot of people go to these sites and create a custom background. Myspace plays more like a personal website than Facebook does. You can also add music play lists on myspace of your favorite songs. If its a band page they may have there new songs on it. Bands are always trying to promote themselves through Myspace through friend requests and stuff. Myspace is similar to Facebook it just has more options. I call it a personal website/social networking site.

Myspace is my personal favorite and I do not like Facebook that much because of the interface. I just really prefer it because of the layout and everything. I think most people want to use facebook more simply cause more people are talking on it. It also gets a low of news coverage as mentioned before.


Twitter is significantly different than the other two sites. There are not nearly as many options on it, but it is very popular for updating your status of what you are currently doing. You can follow people and people can follow you. This is basically what you call a friends list, but it is not always mutual. This is VERY popular for celebrities. You can find a lot of them and follow them and get tweets from them to see what they are up to. This is far by the easiest way to keep up with what celebrities and other famous people are doing. Not all of them have it, but many do. For example: Paris Hilton has one.

Twitter is not so much for chatting, but mainly to let people know what your doing. Its pretty good for that, but does not have the features like Myspace and Facebook does. The site was not made for those things. Twitter can also be good for self promotion.

These social networking sites can be great to add traffic to your website/blog by sending back links.

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