Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to get more click on your ad?

As bloggers, we have written (many time) on how we can make and save money. The only thing left is Spending wisely (only a few have written on this subject). Very well, in this post, we will be talking about getting the most out of your advertisements. There are many bloggers who advertise on other sites (mostly popular sites). Why do we chose popular sites ? Because we want more clicks, more hits. There are two steps to advertising (two steps you must follow when advertising on other site) :- Choosing where to advertise is the first part, and having the right advertisement is the second part.

There is not much to the first part of advertising : All you have to do is look at the stats of different sites (you are interested in), compare and contrast them (daily views, would you get the clicks?). When choosing a site to advertise, you would want to advertise on sites that are related to your niche. Let’s take an example to explain this :-

Visitor A visits Site B (the site you are interested in – in advertising). Let’s imagine that Site B is “non-niche-related” site. The visitor sees the ad. But he is not interested because he is a “techie”, not a “bloggie”. Now take this same example to another situation. Let’s imagine that Site B is a niche related site. Visitor A sees the ad and clicks on it (Tada!). In this case, Visitor A visited Site B because it was an interesting site i.e. He was interested in blogging. Get it ?

Ok, now that you have chosen a niche-related site, you need to look at his stats. Look at the daily hits, page views, visitor length etc. of your “interested site” – Site B. Once you have selected a collection of sites (Site Bs), look at the prices. Pick out the best deal and Get ready to do some awesome work on Photoshop or some other picture tool (If you don’t have time for this, you can hire someone).

The second step is to find the right keywords/slogans/headlines. Make sure that these are magnetic and attractive. You would want Visitor A clicking on your ad, right ? Look for an awesome picture to add to your advertisements(I mean your ad, not ads on your site). (You can let the “professional” do this, but my suggestion is that you look up one and talk to the professional about your choice). The professional can help you with choosing the right picture. So, let’s move on to the next step (Assuming that you are designing your own ad).

Take and image and keywords and make an awesome ad. You can do a little bit research here. Look at other ads on you site, and on other sites. Which ad stands out to you ? Why ? Take the answer to Why and mix it with your style, then add it to your ad. Well, after you have done the designing part, buy the ad slot. Upload your image and wait ! Note : You might want to design and advertise more ads on more sites before you go on to next step).

The next step we have to do is analyze and learn – “which ad gets more clicks and why?” Is it because of the site popularity or because of your keywords/slogans/image ? Find out the reason. If its because of the site popularity, take all your effort (on site advertising) and spent time on designing ads for the specific site(s). Learn and Apply. (Don’t forget the pattern).

Following these (effective) steps will get you popular as an advertiser. Your site will be popular, You will get more outcome (money) out of your site. You may even start a service in which you can help others to advertise effectively – You can be an advertising guide. Its time to wrap up. Anyway, I hope that my post helped you – as an advertiser. Thank you for visiting. (Don’t forget to leave your comments on this post). Have a great day !


1 comment:

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